CloudMonki at a glance

The mobile office for today’s entrepreneur is available to you anytime and anywhere.

CloudMonki Consulting - The added value for your digital projects

Why choose CloudMonki?


Collaboration and communication made easy

Supports the modern form of efficient teamwork in a connected world. Coordination with internal and external business partners is easy, leaving more time for what really matters.


Minimal implementation effort

Our solutions are implemented with minimal effort and in shortest time. We accompany you during the simple transformation process.

Cloudmonki ERP für KMU

Increased efficiency thanks to digital processes

Thanks to lean processes, you can concentrate more on your products and customers. Your unproductive, administrative office labour is reduced.


Everything under control

A productive platform from one single source – whether digital communication, teamwork, customer relations, merchandise management, purchasing, invoicing, payment transactions, your accounting and much more. This means you have everything under control as your company grows in size and complexity.

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All information secure and everywhere available

Your data is available on all devices for you and your teams always, everywhere and secure, be it customer data, project status, order backlog, etc. – you are always up to date on your private data cloud.

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Consulting as the key to digital working methods

CloudMonki offers a simple and holistic approach. We don’t just provide the technology and system architecture. CloudMonki offers professional consulting & support and shows you how to leverage the potential of the digital way of working with little effort.

Test us now!

What ist CloudMonki?

CloudMonki is a cloud-based software suite that takes care of you and your entire IT. With our tools you are fully equipped when it comes to collaboration & communication, customer relations (CRM) and business processes (ERP).

In this video you will learn what CloudMonki is and how it can support you to manage your business better.

Your company, your data, your CloudMonki!

You want to know more about Cloudmonki?

Then book your DEMO now!

Brands trusting in CloudMonki

To simplify administrative processes and thereby have more time for personal customer contact. Sounds like a dream. At Danereder, these goals were achieved through the use of CloudMonki’s collaboration and communications solution (COLCOM). Take a look at our latest short film.

  • Customer APS Treuhand
  • Customer Herr Buenzli
  • Partner Austrian Startups
  • Customer Booster Bikes
  • Customer Sourcing Solutions
  • Customer DW-Net
  • Customer Buono
  • Customer Danereder
  • Customer Head
  • Customer IAPBasel

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