14 Jan 2018

    Android (Carddav)

    Android (Carddav)

    This tutorial describes how to setup a Carddav addressbooks on Android mobile devices. On Android Carddav is not supported natively, but there are existing a lot of nice apps which fullfill our needs.

    One of this app is the Carddav app from Marten Gajda, you can find it in the Google Play Store

    To start we need to create a new account. Go to the settings panel

    Go to the accounts management

    Select “Add account”

    Select “CardDAV” as account type

    Insert your Carddav server name, your username and your password

    Then click Next.

    When your credentials are inserted correctly you will see the following screen.

    Please select now which address books you want to synchronize with your mobile device.

    Click Next.

    Choose a name for the new created account, then click Finish!

    Your now account is created.

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    14 Jan 2018

    Android (Exchange)

    Android (Exchange)

    The easiest way to setup your collaboration plattform on Android is with Exchange. This enables the full synchronization of email, contacts and calendars with your mobile device.

    To start we need to create a new account. Go to the settings panel

    Go to the accounts management

    Select “Add account”

    Select “Exchange” as account type

    Insert your email address, your username and your password

    Then click Next for automatic data completition. It is recommended to select manual configuration

    Now complete the informations with Exchange Server, port and security type

    Then click Next. The account settings will be proven.

    When your credentials are inserted correctly you will see the following screen.

    Please select now which elements you want to synchronize with your mobile device.

    Click Next.

    Choose a name for the new created account, then click Finish!

    Your now account is created.

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    14 Jan 2018

    iOS (Carddav)

    iOS (Carddav)

    To enable Carddav addressbooks on your iOS device please follow this steps.

    To start we need to create a new account. Go to the settings panel

    Then open the contacts configuration

    Now “Add new account”

    Select “Other” as account type

    Choose “Add Carddav account”

    Insert your assigned server name, your email address, password and choose a name for the account

    Attention: Consider to change the name of the Carddav server according to your domain!

    Then click Next. The account settings will be proven.

    When your credentials are inserted correctly your new account is created.

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    14 Jan 2018

    iOS (Exchange)

    iOS (Exchange)

    The easiest way to setup your collaboration plattform on iPhone or iPad is with Exchange. This enables the full synchronization of email, contacts, calendars, task and notes with your mobile device.

    To start we need to create a new account. Go to the settings panel

    Then open the email configuration

    Now “Add new account”

    Select “Exchange” as account type

    Insert your email address, your password and choose for the account

    Then click Next.

    Now complete the informations with Exchange Server and User account**

    Then click Next. The account settings will be proven.

    When your credentials are inserted correctly you will see the following screen.

    Please select now which elements you want to synchronize with your mobile device.

    Click Save, your now account is created.

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