Cloud Basic Library Administration

In this tutorial is described the basic administration of libraries and folders.

First of all you have to login into your Cloud Administration. Pay attention to use your personal cloud credentials!

Login with your username and password

Your administration plattform will open and on first login it looks like that:

First of all create new library “Gallery” for all images you will save in future in your private cloud

Type the name for the new library, there is an option for encryption, it is recommended to encrypt only libraries with very sensitive data. (Please note: You have to type a password for encryption, if you loose this password you loose also all your encrypted data! Be careful!

Click submit, your new library is created, now lets go inside and create some folders.

Click on “New Folder”

Type the name of your new folder and click Submit

Now click Upload, here now you can directly upload single files all whole folders

Now select 1 or multiple files, then confirm

Congratulations, you saved your first data in your new private Cloudmonki cloud

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